Developing all twelve businesses and building
the AirTrip economic zone with the power of IT


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Business Guidance

Initiatives for the SDGs

We are facing extremely difficult times due to global warming, resource depletion, poverty, and most recently, new coronavirus infections, as well as a declining birthrate and aging population in Japan. AirTrip's mission is “Seizing every change that arises in the economic sphere as a business opportunity with the power of IT and continue to grow endlessly”. This mission expresses our strong desire to continue to grow endlessly and to be the company of choice for the next generation. We hope to contribute to the formation of a colorful society that tolerates diversity and complexity through our twelve businesses: AirTrip Online Travel Business, IT Off-shore Development Business, Inbound Travel Agency / Wi-Fi Rental Business, Media Business, Investment Business (AirTrip CVC), Regional Revitalization Business and "Cloud Business. We are committed to the goal of sustainable development. In support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we are committed to expanding and developing our business in order to enhance the satisfaction of all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, employees, shareholders, and local communities.

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Company Profile

Company name AirTrip Corp.
The location Atago green Hills MORI tower 19F, 2-5-1, Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6219, Japan
The founder Director/Founder
Munenori Oishi
Hideki Yoshimura
Representative President & Representative Director / CFO
Yusuke Shibata
Capital Capital 1,789 million yen (Equity Capital 3,906 million yen) As June 2024
The stock market Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime
Securities cord 6191
Listed day March 31, 2016
Accounting period September